Q: What is this site all about?
A: Our Valuables is a constantly evolving photographic art gallery and a collaborative community project. It's a place for you to visit when you are bored at work, or while lazing about on your day off. It's also a place for people to share their most beloved items with the world and ponder the items that their fellow human beings hold dear.
Our Valuables relies on viewer submissions to stay alive so please send in a photograph today and tell your friends to do the same.
Q: What do you mean by my "most valuable possession?"
A: Whatever physical object that is the most valuable to you. It doesn't have to be the most expensive thing you own (but it can be). Perhaps consider items that contain sentimental value, or think of the one thing you would try to save in a fire. There are no "wrong" items - it's really up to you.
Q: Why can't I submit a photo of a person or pet as my most valuable possession?
A: The Our Valuables project is centered on physical possessions and the value assigned to them by their owners. If people or pets were allowed to be submitted, the project would take on a completely different meaning.
Q: Why do you blur parts of the photograph?
A: The choice to blur everything but the most valued possession is meant to emphasize the object and encourage the viewer to think about why the person holds it in such high regard.
Q: Will I be blurred in my photo?
A: Yes, you will be blurred into the background and will remain anonymous.
Q: When will you publish my photo?
A: It takes 1-3 weeks to sort and prep the photos. Depending on when you send in your picture, it could take up to a month to see it on the site.
Q: Do I retain the rights to my photo?
A: Yes, you retain the right to republish your own photos wherever you want. By sending me the photo you are also granting me permission to use your photograph for the Our Valuables project. For further information see the Legal Terms and Conditions.